Speech & Occupational Therapy

Come learn from SLPs and OTs who specialize in supporting articulation, social skills, visual-perceptual weaknesses, and letter formation.


Our therapists will work with you to determine goals related to articulation, language, and social skills. Lessons will target children’s specific needs in a playful and effective way.

Occupational Therapy

Our therapists will work with you to determine goals related to fine motor skills and letter and number formation. Lessons may target eye-hand coordination, visual perceptual skills, executive functioning skills, posture, bilateral hand coordination, visual memory, letter recall, and/or pencil grip and control.

Set up a call to book

We had Cole’s teacher conference this week and his reading scores improved from beginning of the year when he was ‘approaching 4th grade level’ to ‘at 4th grade level’, particularly for ‘comprehension/informational text’.

– Parent of a Private Tutoring student